Wildlife in mexico

In Mexico these animals are in the  wild but I found them in the zoo.The Mexican prairie dog weighs about 2.2 lbs. It lives in deep rock-free soils in open plains.Donkeys are the most abused animals in Mexico. The donkeys are the most used animals in Mexico. Green iguanas can get up to 5 to 6 feet and 10 to 25 pounds.The american alligator can live up to 25 to 50 years. They eat fish, snakes, birds, and mammals.
 Spider monkeys are found in the tropical rain forests as well as in regions as far north as Mexico. They grow from 2 to 5 feet tall and are as heavy as 30 to 45 pounds. 

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    My name is Devon  and I am 11 years old form Greensboro.


    July 2013

